Thursday, 26 March 2020

Top 5 ways Machine Learning will Impact in Your Everyday Life

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are now considered one of the greatest innovations since the chip. AI was a bizarre concept from science fiction, but now it's becoming a daily reality. Neural networks (which mimic the process of real neurons in the brain) pave the way for breakthroughs in machine learning, known as deep learning.

Machine learning can help us live happier, healthier, and more productive lives ... if we know how to use its power.

Some say that AI marks the beginning of another “industrial revolution”. While the previous industrial revolution used physical and mechanical forces, this new revolution will take advantage of mental and cognitive skills. One day computers will not only replace manual work, but also intellectual work. But how exactly will it happen? And is that happening already?

Here are 5 ways artificial intelligence and machine learning will impact your everyday life.

1.      Gaming intelligence

Some of you may remember 1997 when IBM's deep blue defeated Gary Kasparov in chess. But if you weren't old enough, you may remember when another computer program, AlphaGo from Google DeepMind, defeated Lee world champion Go in 2016.
Go is an ancient Chinese game that is much more difficult to master than computer chess. However, AlphaGo was trained specifically to play Go by not only analyzing the movements of the best players, but also learning to play the game better by practicing against yourself a million times.

2.      Self-Driving Cars and Automated Transportation

Did you fly recently? In this case you have already seen the automation of the transport to work. These modern commercial aircraft use the FMS (Flight Management System), a combination of GPS, motion sensors and computer systems to track their position during the flight. For example, a Boeing 777 pilot spends an average of seven minutes manually steering the aircraft, and many of these minutes are spent on takeoff and landing.

The jump in autonomous cars is more complicated. There are more cars on the road, obstacles that need to be avoided, and limits to consider in terms of traffic patterns and rules. Nevertheless, autonomous cars are already a reality. According to a study of 55 Google vehicles that have covered a total of more than 1.3 million kilometers, these AI-powered cars have even surpassed the safety of human-powered cars.
The question of navigation has long been solved. Google Maps already provides location data from your smartphone. Comparing the location of a device from one point to another can determine the speed at which the device is moving. Simply put, it can determine slow traffic in real time. This data can be combined with user-reported incidents to create a picture of traffic at a specific point in time. Maps can recommend the fastest route due to traffic jams, construction, or accidents between you and your destination.

But what about the ability to drive a car? Machine learning enables autonomous cars to adapt immediately to changing road conditions and at the same time learn new driving situations. Through the continuous analysis of a flow of visual data and sensors, on-board computers can make decisions in fractions of a second even faster than well-trained drivers.

It is not magic. It is based on the same basic principles of machine learning that are used in other industries. They have input functions (i.e. visual and real-time sensor data) and outputs (i.e. a decision from the universe of possible next "actions" for a car).

Of course, these autonomous cars already exist, but are they ready for prime time? Perhaps not yet, because vehicles currently have to have a driver for safety reasons. Despite exciting developments in this new area of ​​automated transport, the technology is not yet perfect. But give it a few months or years and you will probably want to own one of these cars.

3.      Taking over dangerous jobs

One of the most dangerous tasks is bomb disposal. Today robots (or technically drones) take care of these risky professions. Most of these drones currently require a human to control them. As machine learning technology improves in the future, these tasks will be completely done by robots with AI. This technology alone has saved thousands of lives.
Another job outsourced to robots is welding. This type of work creates noise, intense heat, and toxic substances that are present in the fumes. Without automatic learning, these welding robots should be pre-programmed to weld at a specific point. Advances in image processing and deep learning, however, have allowed greater flexibility and accuracy.

4.      Banking Innovation

Think about how many people have a bank account. Now also consider the number of credit cards in circulation. How many hours would it take employees to view the thousands of transactions that take place every day? If you notice an anomaly, your bank account may be empty or your credit card may have reached its maximum.

Using location data and buying patterns, AI can also help banks and lenders identify fraudulent behavior as it happens. These anomaly detection models based on machine learning monitor transaction requests. You can spot trends in your transactions and alert users to suspicious activity.

They can even confirm with you that the purchase was yours before proceeding with the payment. It may seem annoying if you only eat out on vacation, but it could save you thousands of dollars a day.

5.      Enhancement in Healthcare

Hospitals could soon put their wellbeing in the hands of an AI, and that's good news. Hospitals that use machine learning to treat patients see fewer accidents and fewer hospital-related illnesses, such as sepsis. AI is also addressing some of the most difficult problems to solve in medicine, such as: B. the ability to better understand genetic diseases using predictive models.
Healthcare professionals previously had to manually review a variety of data before diagnosing or treating a patient. Today, high-performance computing GPUs have become key tools for deep learning and AI platforms. Deep learning models quickly deliver real-time information and, in conjunction with the explosion in computing power, help medical professionals diagnose patients faster and more accurately and develop new and innovative medicines and treatments. Reduce medical and diagnostic errors, predict and predict adverse events lower healthcare costs for providers and patients.

There are other area as well where machine learning will impact in your daily life. Here I have mentioned only top 5 ways. You can observe other areas as well in your daily life.


I hope you have understood that how machine learning is impacting in our daily life. There are other areas as well where machine learning is impacting in our daily life. You can comment area in the below section where you think that machine learning is impacting more.
NearLearn is the best online machine learning institute in bangalore it provides various online and offline courses which include artificial intelligence, data science , blockchain, react-native full-stack development, etc

Sunday, 22 March 2020

How to Get Data Science Job without Prior Experience?

The amount of data that is generated every day is enormous. For this reason, companies around the world convert data into information, thereby optimizing their strategies. The challenge, however, is the fact that every company needs a professional with relevant skills to extract information from the big data, it collects - a data scientist who is now getting a seat at the big table.

With the development of data and its increasing use in different types of companies, people have started to view data science as a super cool job. However, if we want to become a data scientist, we find that many professionals have dozens of MOOC courses and buzzwords on their resume or LinkedIn profile. And when a newcomer to data science sees these portfolios, they feel that data science is not their thing. However, this is not always the case - data science is about solving a real business problem and making the most of the overcrowded data. If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can start your career in data science without prior experience.

You just have to follow these steps

1.      Self-Study

This is primarily to be done if you are starting your journey into data science and have no experience yet. Ask yourself the following questions: Why should a company hire you? If they don't hire you, what could be the reason? What do you know about data science? What else do you need to know about the area? What additional skills do you need to stand out from the crowd?

In addition to the skills and knowledge that data science experts should have, learn about the latest industry trends - how the business works, what roles are currently in demand, what the latest programming languages, etc. Make a list of all the things you know, and you need to know and plan how to do it.

2.      Must-Have Skills

·         Mathematics

It is also considered one of the elixirs of life in data science. This is very important in the field of data science because there are many concepts that help a data scientist use algorithms. In addition, concepts such as statistics and probability theory are essential for the implementation of algorithms. So make sure you put a lot of effort into improving your math skills.

·         Programming Languages

There are many people who would suggest a variety of programming languages ​​to learn if you are aiming for a career in data science. However, don't overwhelm yourself with all the hype discussions. In data science, Python and R are the two most important programming languages. Concentrate on these two languages ​​at an early stage. If you later gain both trust and great trust, you can move on to the next one (Java could be one of them).

To learn how to program, you can take short courses or online courses at any time. Practice a lot too. The more you encode, the better you become an encoder.

  •          Communication and Presentation Skills

Mastery of all technical aspects is one of them. However, to be a successful data scientist, you must have exceptional communication and presentation skills. You shouldn't just be a data scientist, but also a data storyteller. Why? Once you get the valuable information from the overcrowded data, your next task is to present it. If you don't have storytelling skills, how can others understand what the information is capable of and the value it would bring?

  •          Real-Time Practical Knowledge

Learning and mastery skills are certainly mandatory, but to get the most out of your learning you need to practice - practice with real-time problems and add value to your data science learning. The more you solve these problems, the more experience, and self-confidence you gain and shorten the path to your dream job. There are many hackathons on the internet - you can pick one at any time, participate and see where you stand in this increasingly competitive area of ​​data science.

·         Advice from Leaders

It is always good practice to seek advice from someone who already knows the area. And you can make the most of platforms like LinkedIn to connect with some of the industry leaders.

Another great way to make contacts is to attend data science conferences, where you can not only attend lectures and masterclasses, but also meet many industry representatives to help you take the lead. On track when you start your journey into data science.

·         Accept the Reality

It's no surprise that Data Science is currently one of the highest-paid and most reputable jobs in the industry. And no company would pay someone a respectable paycheck and give it a high-level title until it demonstrates that it is able to solve some of the complex business problems. To accept the fact that at the start of your career you may not even get the title of a data scientist (in some exceptional cases). However, if you are determined and learn more and more about the field, the chances are that you will reach a higher position with a considerably high paycheck.

Make sure you don't hesitate to ask another data specialist for help if you need it. Knowledge and skills are the keys to success.

These are some factors that you have to focus on if you want to make a career in data science. A one can also become the data scientist by implementing these factors with having no prior experience.


If you want to get a job in data science then you have to follow the above mentioned factors and you will definitely get a good job in data science with having no prior experience also. So start today and follow these steps and land your first job as a data scientist.

Near learn provides the best online data science training in Bangalore. It provides other courses as well as artificial intelligence, machine learning, Deep Learning, Blockchain, ReactJs, React Native, Golang, and full-stack development, etc. 

Thursday, 19 March 2020

How is Data Science Changing the World?

In this article you will learn what role a data scientist plays. There is a mysterious veil in data science. While the buzzword of data science has been around for a while, very few people know the real purpose of being a data scientist.
So let's examine the goal of data science.

Data science goal

The main goal of data science is to find patterns in the data. It uses various statistical techniques to analyze and learn from the data. A data scientist must thoroughly examine data from data extraction, wrestling, and preprocessing. Then it is responsible for making predictions from the data. The goal of a data scientist is to draw conclusions from the data. Thanks to these conclusions, he can help companies make smarter business decisions. We'll divide this blog into several sections to better understand the role of a data scientist.

Why Data Matters in Data Science

Data is new stream. We live in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. It's the era of artificial intelligence and big data. There is a massive data explosion that has led to new technologies and smarter products. About 2.5 exabytes of data are created daily. Data requirements have increased significantly in the past ten years. Many companies have focused on data. New sectors has been created by data in IT industry. However,
1.       Why do we need data?
2.       Why do industries need data?
3.       What makes data valuable?
The answer to these questions lies in the way companies have tried to transform their products.
Data science is a very new terminology. Before data science we had statisticians. These statisticians have experience in qualitative data analysis, and companies have used it to analyze their overall performance and sales. With the advent of an IT process, cloud storage and analysis tools, the IT area has merged with the statistics. This created data science.

Early analysis of data based on surveys and finding solutions to public problems. For example, interviewing a number of children in a district would lead to a decision to develop the school in that area. The decision-making process was simplified with the help of computers. As a result, computers can solve more complex analytical problems. As the data began to multiply, companies began to see their value. Its importance is reflected in the many products that are designed to improve the customer experience. Industry has been looking for experts who can harness the potential of data. Data helps them to take the right business decisions and maximize their profits. In addition, the company was able to examine and respond to customer behavior based on their buying habits. The data has helped companies expand their sales model and create a better product for their customers.
Data refer to products, electricity to household appliances. We need data to design the right products for users. This motivates the product and makes it usable. A data scientist is like a sculptor. He chisels out the data to create something meaningful. While this can be a tedious task, a data scientist must have the right expertise to deliver the results.

Why data science is important?

Data creates magic. Industries need data to make prudent decisions. Data Science converts raw data into meaningful information. Industries therefore need data science. A data scientist is an assistant who knows how to create magic with data. A competent data scientist knows how to extract meaningful information from the data he encounters. It helps the company in the right direction. Society needs solid data-driven decisions, of which he is an expert. The data scientist is an expert in various underlying areas of statistics and IT. He uses his analytical skills to solve business problems.
Data Scientist is good at solving problems and is responsible for finding patterns in the data. The aim is to recognize redundant samples and to learn from them. Data science requires a variety of tools to extract information from data. A data scientist is responsible for collecting, storing and managing the structured and unstructured form of data.
Although the role of data science focuses on data analysis and management, it depends on the area in which the company specializes. This assumes that the data scientist has knowledge of the field in this particular industry.

Target Data-Centric Industries

As mentioned above, companies need data. They need it for their data-driven decision models and to create better customer experiences. In this section, we will explore the specific areas that these companies focus on to make smart data-driven decisions.

I. Data Science Helps for Better Marketing

Companies take helps from data to analyze their marketing strategies and create better ads. Companies often spend astronomical sums to market their products. Sometimes this cannot lead to the expected results. By studying and analyzing customer feedback, companies can create better ads. To do this, companies carefully analyze the behavior of online customers. By tracking customer trends, the company can also get better market information. That's why companies need data scientists to help them make informed decisions about marketing campaigns and advertising.

ii. Data Science Helps in Customer Acquisition

Data scientists help the company attract customers by analyzing their needs. This allows companies to customize the products to best meet the needs of their potential customers. Data is the key for companies to understand their customers. The purpose of a data scientist is therefore to give companies the ability to recognize customers and help them meet their customers' needs.

iii. Data Science Helps in Innovation
Companies create better innovations with a wealth of data. Data scientists contribute to product innovation by analyzing and creating information in traditional designs. They analyze customer reviews and help companies create a product that fits perfectly with reviews and comments. With the help of customer feedback data, companies make decisions and take appropriate measures in the right direction.

iv. Data science Helps in Enrich Life
Customer data is important to improve their lives. The healthcare industry uses the data provided to support their customers in their daily lives. Data scientists in these industries want to analyze personal data and medical history and develop products that address customers' problems.
The data-driven company examples above show that each company uses data differently. The use of the data depends on the requirements of the company. Therefore, the goal of data scientists depends on the interests of the company.


Other skills-set for data scientist

In this blog about the purpose of data science, we will now see what other skills a data scientist needs. In this section, we will examine how data scientists go beyond analyzing and collecting information from data. One goal of data scientists is not only to use statistical techniques to draw conclusions, but also to share their results with the company. A data scientist not only needs to master the calculation of numbers, but also to be able to translate mathematical jargon to make the right business decisions.
Example: Imagine a data scientist who analyzes the company's monthly turnover. It uses various statistical tools to analyze the data and draw conclusions. In the end, he gets results that he has to share with the company. The data scientist needs to know how to communicate the results in a very precise and simple way. Sales managers may not understand technical results and processes. Therefore, a data scientist must be able to tell a story. Thanks to the data narration, he can easily transfer his knowledge to the management team. This, therefore, extends the goal of a data scientist.
Data Scientist's goal is not just limited to statistical data processing, but also to managing and communicating data to help companies make better decisions.
So it was all for the purpose of data science. I hope you enjoyed our article.


At the end of the article - the goal of data science - we conclude that data scientists are the backbone of data-intensive companies. The goal of data scientists is to extract, preprocess and analyze data. Thanks to this, companies can make better decisions. Different companies have their own requirements and use the data accordingly. Ultimately, the goal of a Data Scientist is to make companies grow better. With the decisions and information provided, companies can define appropriate strategies and adapt to improved customer experience. Want to learn these skills then go to Best online data science training in Bangalore and gain the right skills for your future. Other skills which is in demand are machine learning, artificial intelligence, react native, blockchain , etc.
However, if you have any questions about the goal of data science, post them freely with comments. We will definitely come back to you.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

5 Reasons Why You Should Create React Native Apps in 2020

In the modern world, mobile apps have become mandatory for every business. But how to build apps this question is still remains. Few business entrepreneurs think that native apps should be created for outstanding performance while other entrepreneurs think that hybrid apps will be good for their business.
While both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages - what suits your business should decide which route is best for you. Native apps are known to deliver incredible performance with integrated new technologies. With cross-platform apps, companies are exploding their earnings and spending less.
So is there any way you get the benefit of both native and cross-platform app development? Yes, it will only possible if you create React Native apps in 2020.
While there is lots of reason to create React Native apps for your business, we are going to list the top 5 reasons why you should create React Native apps in 2020. But before starting those who don’t know much about React Native, here is an introduction of React Native app. 

React Native App: An Introduction

React Native is a mobile app development framework that is for both android and iOS platforms. React Native is cross-platform development framework. Because of cross-platform, it has found huge popularity in recent times.
It is launched by Facebook in 2015; React Native is a widely-used open source programming platform that was never invented before. It enables developers to create high-performance applications for Android and iOS without sacrificing quality and robustness. With JavaScript as the primary programming language, developers can use React (a JavaScript library platform) to build the user interface while building a native React application.
Now you have understood that what is React Native app and now let’s go straight and talk about why we should create React Native apps in 2020.

5 Reasons Why Should You Create React Native Apps in 2020

Time and money are important factors to consider when developing a business strategy. The same applies to the application development process. Native React apps have been a huge success in the past and will continue to do so in the years to come.
When we say that companies around the world will develop increasingly responsive native apps by 2020, there's no exaggeration. Rather, it becomes the standard. Here are 5 reasons why you should build React Native apps in 2020.

1.      Lesser Code, Fast Development

With using React Native framework you can easily transfer your code from one platform to another platform. Suppose you want to create an app for both iOS and android then with minor changes in code you can easily build the app for both platforms and also we can minimize the development time because of lesser code.

2.      Code Reusability

React Native uses the same code for both iOS and android with minor changes. With this, you have to write the same code for both platform and you can deploy your code on both platform and your code will work. So it will reduce your development time and code reusability will increase. There is no need for any programming languages like Java, C, and C++. Only JavaScript developers can work on creating native apps by using the native UI library.
Also, react the native language is supported by a huge community of developer so if some issue arises in the React Native then it can be fixed by the community of developers.

3.      Consume Less Memory

Since React Native offers compatibility with third-party plug-ins, you don't have to rely on WebView to add features like Google Maps to your app. With React Native you can link the plug-in to a native module and use the functions of the device such as zoom, rotation, etc. All of this is possible with less memory and thus faster loading of the application.

4.      Update Feature

Another additional benefit of React Native is the live updates. Using JavaScript, developers can send live updates directly to users' phones without going through the app store update process.
This feature allows developers to apply code changes in real-time and make corrections while the application is loading. This way, users can get updated versions of the app instantly. In addition, the process is very transparent and rationalized.

5.      Stunning UI and UX

React native apps are designed to maximize the user experience. Respond to Native apps load quickly and are easy to navigate.
Mobile applications developed with the React Native Framework work just like a native application. The React Native application user interface consists of native widgets that work seamlessly. With React Native, even the most complex applications work without a problem. Building React Native apps is, therefore, the best option for businesses to stand out from the market while spending less.


I hope you have understood the importance of React Native and why you should create the React Native apps in 2020. NearLearn is the best React Native institute in Bangalore. It provides various courses like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Blockchain, and full-stack development as well.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Pros and Cons of Choosing a Career in Data Science

In today's world, the internet is saturated by the article of why data science is the sexiest job of the 21st century. But very few have spoken about the data science cons. undoubtedly, data science has rapid growth and this skill is in high demand and it also pays well. This technology is a good combination of programming, statistics and business analysis.
Here I will provide you the important insights of the data science field that will help you to choose the right course for you.

Pros of being a data scientist

Data Science in Demand

With year-over-year growth in this field, a data scientist has taken up the top position in LinkedIn analysis for the most promising job of the 21st century. A study we conducted estimated that even in a larger analytical ecosystem, 70% of vacancies are for data scientists with less than five years of work experience. In addition, potential job seekers with very few people who have the skills to succeed in this area have many options.

High Paying Job

According to Glassdoor, data scientists can earn an average salary of $113,309 per year. Data science is one of the top lucrative career options for the student. There may be one reason for being a high paying job that data science makes companies smarter. The company takes smart decisions and can make an important place in the top companies.


Data science is industry-independent and has many applications in a variety of industries, including healthcare, banking, e-commerce, and marketing. Therefore, you are not tied to a specific company or role and can work in any area where data is used for decision making. For example, the advent of machine learning (ML) marked significant improvements in the healthcare sector. One of the most important applications was the early detection of tumors.

Challenging Work

Data science has multiple disciplines including mathematics, statistics, analysis, and programming, etc. since it is a growing skill day by day it demands new skills to learn. So it can be a challenging work for a data scientist. There is no single template by which you can use that template for multiple projects. For each project, you have to learn a new skill.

Cons of a data scientist

The ambiguous job role of a data scientist

Although it has become a buzzword over time, data science has no clear definition. This is essentially the study of data, and this can include extraction, analysis, visualization, etc. Create information to make business decisions. It would also depend on the area in which the company specializes. However, it is certain that all data scientists have to deal with a lot of raw data, which can take a long time. In addition, companies often provide arbitrary data that may not deliver the expected results.

Difficult To Master in Data Science

As mentioned above, data scientists need to work on large amounts of data to solve business problems. This includes expertise in a long list of skills, including computer programming and software applications, statistics, data analysis, and data visualization - and these are just technical skills. It is therefore far from possible to master every area and to be equally competent in each of them. Although many online courses have attempted to fill this skills gap, it remains difficult given the breadth of the subject. That brings us to the next point.

Simplifying Technical Concept

With all the skills you have acquired for your work, it is useless if you cannot pass your results on to stakeholders in a way that you understand. Explaining technical concepts to a non-technical audience is a major challenge for most data scientists who find it difficult to step back from something they have been in for a long time. This means that in addition to a long list of technical skills, you also need to acquire communication skills. And that's not all.
The technical concept should be acquired for your work, most data scientist who find it difficult to step back from something they have been in for a long time.

Multiple department Expertise

Data science must have multiple department expertise because, without industry knowledge, data scientists cannot make the right decision in order to assist the company. So he or should must be expertise in their industry where they work. So this can be a challenging task for them. It arises difficulties for data scientists when they migrate from one industry to another industry.

Problem with data privacy

Data is fuel for many industries. Data scientists help industries to make data-driven decisions. However, the data used can violate customers' privacy. The customer's personal data is visible to the parent company and can sometimes lead to data leaks due to a security error. Ethical issues related to maintaining the confidentiality of data and how it is used have been a problem for many industries.


After weighing the pros and cons of data science, we can imagine the full picture of this area. Although data science is an area with many lucrative advantages, it also suffers from its disadvantages. As a less saturated and well-paid field that has revolutionized multiple horizons, it also has its own background when one looks at the breadth of the field and its interdisciplinary nature. Data science is a constantly evolving field that will take years to acquire. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether the benefits of data science will motivate you for your future career or the disadvantages that will help you make a prudent decision!
Near Learn is the Best Data Science with python classroom Training in Bangalore and provides training on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Full-Stack Development, Mean-Stack development, Golang,  React Native and other technologies as well.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

How to Prepare for Data Science Interview?

Appearing in data science interviews but struggling to crack the interview. Are you scaring to get into a data science interview? Or you don’t know what to expect in data science interview then don’t worry I have come up with the 6 steps that will definitely help you to crack data science interviews.
Cracking data science interviews need a massive amount of knowledge and research. So practicing only will help you to crack the interview on that big day.
Read on to understand a quick, step-by-step approach to specific areas of skills, technical know-how, and skills that are required not only to end the interview but also to excel in big data and machine learning provide.
The thing about data science is that its application, and therefore expectations vary widely across industries. The role is interpreted differently depending on the company, some could call a doctorate. Statistician as a data scientist, for others it means an excellent skill, while for some it can be a generalist for artificial intelligence and machine learning.

6 steps for Preparing a Data Science Interview

Here I am going to mention 6 steps that will help you to prepare and crack your data science interview. So brush up your skills and follow these steps.

Step 1:

Before appearing in data science interview first read the job roles or job profile especially for Skills, Techniques, and Tools. If the job description has not enough detail mentioned the research on the company website and check what type of data science position is available there and what kind of knowledge they are expecting from the candidate.
Mostly data science interview is a combination of the Aptitude, Technical Knowledge and Analytical Reasoning.

Step 2:

Don’t forget to brush up your knowledge of relevant skills before the interview. To test your technical skills, the interviewer will generally ask you about statistics, machine learning, and programming, etc.  Ensure to brush up on languages like Python, R and Tableau.  The interviewer generally asks the programming question from these languages and will check your knowledge on these languages.


Brush up your skills on some primary important topics like:

  •       Probability
  •       Statistical Models.
  •       Machine Learning and Neural Networks etc.
So here, you will essentially have your exam through a case study or a discussion of your problem-solving skills. If you are able to define the problem for them on the scenario presented and will help add the suggested solution and its impact on the business. In doing so, cite examples of case studies or research papers to support the suggested solution.


Although you can develop the necessary skills and qualities, make sure throughout the interview that you are willing to learn and that you can adapt flexibly to the current organization such as data science and its applications are unique.


Having a tight resume and predicting how you will relate your experience to the position given during the interview.


If you are doing data science projects specifically, when you are fresher, there are many public areas available. In addition, it is advisable to attend MOOC - Massive Open Online courses to be exposed to various and targeted applications.
Keep in mind that lately the role of a data scientist is seen as someone who can bridge the gap between the different functions of a company. It is not intended or required that you are a specialist in all aspects, but you should be able to link functions, ideas, and solutions across domains. In order to stand out in an interview, you not only need to demonstrate your individual strength and expertise in this area, but also act as a person with sufficient management skills and good communication and technical skills who can fit in and participate in the heart of a problem.

Read More:  Top 20 Reactjs interview question and answer for fresher in 2020


So here I have explained 6 steps to prepare your data science interview and also explained what skills you will need to crack the data science interview. I hope you have understood all 6 steps. If you think that I didn’t mention the important skills that are more important in the data science interview then you can comment in the below section.
Near Learn is the best data science with Python Training in Bangalore and provides training on various courses like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Full-Stack Development, Mean-Stack development, Golang,  React Native and other technologies as well.

How to Get a Job in Machine Learning Technology

You have completed your engineering degree and are now looking for a break from the extremely slow labor market. Unlike ten years ag...